Faceted Point Dressers

The single point diamond dresser is the workhorse of grinding. It works in practically every application but is especially effective on straight wheels and for creating simple profiles. These dressers are primarily used in Truing and Dressing of Abrasive wheels.

Faceted Point Diamond Dresser
Faceted Point Diamond Dresser
Faceted Point Diamond Dresser

In virtually every precision grinding operation, the wheel is periodically reconditioned to restore proper cutting action and running truth. This is accomplished by truing and simultaneously dressing the wheel.

A contributing factor to the confusion over the terms truing and dressing is the fact that truing tools are almost universally referred to as diamond dressing tools. No matter how you refer to them, they must be carefully considered and selected in relation to the grinding wheel and the work to be done.

Dressing may increase or decrease stock removal rates, or produce a certain required finish. When dressing, there is no particular emphasis on wheel size or form.

A grinding wheel can be dressed without being trued; but it cannot be trued without being dressed. Such factors as the amount of stock to be removed, material being ground, the wheel specification, type of grinding operation, and the size and finish tolerances must be taken into account in determining the tools and the techniques for truing and dressing.

Proper truing intervals may increase overall truing time, but can provide significant savings in wheel cost, diamond dresser cost, rejections and production variability.

Diamond wear is directly related to the heat and impact stress developed during the truing operation. To minimize wear, truing infeed rates and the amount of truing time must be controlled. In addition, rigid tool mounting is mandatory. While dressing, coolant is a must for tools life and wheel surface.

Incorrectly sized truing tools cause truing problems. Diamond size should be related to the grit, grade and bond of the grinding wheel.

Diacone Natural Point Faceted Diamond Dressers offer these cost reductions:

  • These diamonds are self sharpening, insuring their complete use.
  • With fresh, new diamond points exposed constantly, dressing action is fast and consistent.
  • More pieces per dress mean less abrasive lost to dressing.